Don't miss out on these other pages!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I know, I know... Late again ~ but at least I attempted it.  I've got another new set from The Angel Company called The Joy of Easter.  Just like Valentines day, I have not purchased any new stamps for Easter.  So when the new Serendipity came out and I saw this set I had to purchase it!!  And when I saw the Mojo Monday sketch this week I knew just what set to use, I just had to sit down long enough to use it!
So here is the sketch.  I really liked this one, I'm sure that I will use it again in the future!

Here is my version.  You like it? 

The base card is Pixie Pink and I layered it with DP from The Angel Company called Catelynne.  It is one of my most favorite collections!  I stamped the images from TAC's The Joy of Easter and colored them in with pencils and gamsol.  All the images were cut out with different nesties.  The top and lower borders were punched with my new scallop punch from SU! then I added some jewels to it between the scallops.  The layer of Bashful Blue was run thru my CB with the Swiss Dots folder. For the center I used ribbon instead of paper.  I think that it turned out nice, how about you?

I hope that this inspires you today.  Let me know what you think.  Have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Cupcake Easel's

I was in a mood the other day to make some easel cards and I got some new set's from The Angel Company and had to use them.  My hands were just itching to ink up those cuppy cakes!!  And with all the snow around there was little else I could do ~ so here we go!!
This was my first one.  I used Chocolate Chip for the base and the layered it with Old Olive and some DP from Imaginisce.   I used my new nesties Labels 9 to layer under the girl.  The image is from The Angel Company set called Cupcake Cuties.  Some ribbon, a button.  See the bottom layer?  I used my new Scallop Trim Border punch from SU! and I added a little button, too!  Adorable, huh?

This one is really girly with all the pink, but I know just the person who will be getting this in the mail.  This image is also from Cupcake Cuties and the base card is Pink Pirouette that I layered with Pixie Pink and some DP from Hot off The Press (that I've had forever!!).  The ribbon is Rose Red from SU! and I used my Labels 9 nestie to cut the images on the main panel then I used my CB Swiss Dots folder to emboss it.  The bottom layer I used my Scallop Trim border punch.  I also did some paper piercing and faux stitching around the outer edge.
This was my last easel card.  The base is Barely Banana that I layered with Certainly Celery and some DP from Imaginisce and Hot off The Press.  I used my CB and ran the Certainly Celery paper thru with my Swiss Dots folder (can you tell, it's one of my favorites) and then cut it out with my nestie Label 1.  Some ribbon, a button, my SU! scallop trim border punch and I was complete.

If you'd like to try your hand at an easel card go to the SCS resource page and pull up Easel Card ~ or just click HERE and it will take you there.  I love to look every Wednesday and see what new technique they are doing.  And make sure you take a look in the gallery set aside HERE for these cards ~ I'm sure that you will find lots of inspiration!  This one was a while ago, but it's so much fun - quick and easy ~ and even better yet it fits in an A2 envelope!

Have a great day everyone!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy snow day!

again...  I know that I've wanted it to snow, more so around Christmas ~ but enough is enough...
Here's a couple of pictures that I want to share with you. 
Here's my little girl (ok, not so little any more) out back yesterday afternoon.  See her paws, or shall I say "don't" see her paws?  They said we got 5-7" at this point, but for some reason our back yard had more than that in it!?!
Here's one corner of our backyard.  I took the birdbath down because Dixie was sniffing around it and the top and I did not want it to tip over on her.  That thing is cement and very heavy.
Weird too, I love to shovel snow.  It's a good workout that's for sure.  But it's something that I've always liked to do too.  Just like sweeping - one of those necessary evils but I love it.

I will be back tomorrow with a card to show you.  I've been busy - but I've not taken the pictures of what I've made.  I used some new TAC stamps (that I love love l♥ve!!!)

Have a great day and stay warm where ever you may be!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A little Valentine for the teacher

Yes, once again I've been hoodwinked by that teenager!  Danielle wanted me to make something for her for a couple of her teachers so since she was home yesterday from school because of another snow day I had her help.
I am so sorry for the picture.  It is a little blurry.  I think that it is time for a new camera Ü  But I took the picture of them on the kitchen table on top of Danielle's laptop.  You can see the electric broom in the background.  Ansel Adams I'm not...

But I picked up the template over at Lauren's My Time Made Easy.   Danielle wanted to do the tin mailboxes and I only have 1 left so I had to make them.  I don't get to Target very often and they are normally there for $1.00 each.  I had traced the template on to onion skin from her laptop and glued it to some thin chipboard.  I normally put all my templates on to chipboard so they are sturdy and they last.  I would of printed it on to the card stock but I'm out of ink in my printer.  Anyway, I had Danielle cut them out and then I put everything together.  They turned out cute.  Then we went to the Dollar Tree and got some candy to fill them with.  She wanted to put their initial on them so we used some Rub on's. 

Go take a peek at Lauren's store.  You will like it I'm sure. 

I am waiting patiently for the UPS man to show up.  I have 2 different orders coming in.  One from SU! and one from The Angel Company.  Let me tell you - If I have to throw myself in front of the truck I will, he's just got to stop!!  And I'm also in the process of changing my blog up a little bit.  You all know that I love cuppy cakes, so you might see that in the next couple of days.  But tell me, what attracts you to a blog?  When you click on a blog what makes you say "oooh" and "ahhhh"?  I'd love to hear the feedback.

So that being said - I think that I will be off for now.  Have a great afternoon!!

An award

Woo hoo!!  Barbara Diane of Barbara's World of Whimcees gave me this award, isn't that sweet of her?! You must, must, must take a peek at her blog.  She is a very talented crafter.  Not just paper either.  Take a peek ~ but make sure to come back.
Now it's my time to pass it on.  Here we go.  The rules of passing on this award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
3. Link to the person sending you the award.
4. List 7 things about yourself.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers to present the award to.
6. Link to this posting on your blog.
7. Notify the 7 people you nominate by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Seven things about me:
1.  I have a LOT of grey hair, but you can't see it I pull my hair back everyday in a ponytail.
2.  Sour gummy worms are my favorite candy.
3.  I drink too much Pepsi.
4.  I love to read and I read each an every day.  (I so need a book case).
5.  My dog sleeps with hubby and I in bed each night.
6.  I ♥ ♥ ♥ Vin Diesel!!!
7.  I'm way to young to have a teen DD graduating High School this year.
Now here are my nominees, in now particular order:
1.  Gabby
2.  Marsha
3.  Keersten
4.  Nicola
5.  Julie
6.  Barbara
7.  Von
If you would please take some time to take a peek at these ladies blogs.  They are all different in their own way of crafting ~ but they are all amazing!  And thanks again Barbara Diane for the award!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I thought that you might like to take a peek at my version of the Mojo Monday sketch this week.  That is the sketch this week.  Kinda different, huh?  I like it though...
Here is my version of the sketch.  The image is one that I got from Gabby, so I'm not sure about the deets - but I can tell you it's now my new favorite!!

The base card is Purely Pomegranate that I layered with Chocolate Chip and some DP from The Paper Studio.  The ribbon is Rose Red from SU! and the little piece under it is punched out from my curly label punch from SU! also.
See.  I "frosted" the cupcake with my shimmer paint from SU! and I added the "sprinkles" that are beads from SU! also.

So, wadda ya think?  As you all well know I love cuppy cakes - so I think that I like it.  I also like how "different" the sketch is.  Not your ordinary square layers. 

I'm off to read my new issue of Paper Crafts that just came in.  I'll be back tomorrow to show you something else that I made...  Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Voila and Mojo Monday on Tuesday Ü

Good morning everyone, I hope that today finds you well.  This morning I woke up to about 3" of snow and so far we've got about 6" out there.  And now it's starting to rain ~ and they say that we've got more snow coming tonight.  Ugh...  Is it not spring yet??  I'm wanting some warmer, but not too warm, temperatures and some flowers - TULIPS for sure...

How'd you like to see a card?  of course you would, why else did you stop by...
Danielle was once again needing a birthday card so I made this for her.  I wanted to use this chef since I've not inked him up in a while.  The base card is Chocolate Chip (what else...) and I layered him with Pink Passion, Pink Pirouette and some Sweet Always DP.  I ran some paper thru my CB with the Swiss Dots folder and layered that behind the chef image.  I stamped the cake twice and pop dotted him on to the top of the other on the platter.  I paper pieced the chef with some scrap Sweet Always paper, added some ribbon and bling and I was done.  I think that it turned out cute - but then anything with pink and brown ends up cute, am I right??

I'm off to create some more.  I tried the sketch yesterday at Mojo Monday but I did not finish it.  So I will be working on that today and post it for you.  Why don't you give it a try - here's the sketch:
Wherever you are, I hope your staying warm!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Need Addy's please...

Just a quick post to let Rhonda and Linda S. know that they are the ones who posted first and I need their snail mail addy's so I can send out the little Tag Books to them.  If I don't receive their addresses by Wednesday the 10th I will have to move down the list to the next people.

So girls, send me your addy's please!!

Good Morning!!

Good Monday morning everyone!  I hope that today finds you well and that your weekend was a great one!

This morning I am going to make a quick post ~ I get to watch my nephew for a little while today.  I'm jazzed - he is simply adorable!!  But it's been so long since I've had any kind of baby duty I'm not sure what to do Ü  Danielle is almost 18 - so that was a long time ago!!

I want to show you what I received in the mail this weekend.  My dear friend Gabby made these with her own two little hands.  Are they not the most cutest things you've ever seen??  A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!
I am a lover of all things cuppy cake and she made these and sent them to me.  Your jealous I know, admit it...  If you want one go visit her blog post HERE and let her know. 
Here is an up close look at the pink one.  Ok, the one with strawberry frosting.  Look at the "sprinkles" on top of it.  Cute, huh?
And look at the card that she sent with it.  Look at all the stitching.  Um, perfect!!  I just l♥ve getting her cards in the mail.  I think that I've saved each and every one of them that she's sent to me over the years. 

Well, that's all I have for you now.  I will try to post more later ~ depending on when "baby duty" is over with.

Have a great afternoon!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Does anyone want...

I had posted a tutorial HERE a while back on this little tag book and mentioned that someone could have it if they left a message on he post ~ well, no one posted...

Does that mean no one wants it??  The first two people who leave me a message will receive it if they'd like.  Just leave a message on this post and I will send it out to you and you just might get it by Valentines day.

I've not been around too much because I've been busy with some digi scrappin'.  I should be back this coming week and I've got a few pages to show you!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 05, 2010

The NEW Angel Company Catty!!

I just thought that I'd share with you a copy of the new Angel Company catty that I've received.  It is their second Serendipity catty and I love it.  To be honest I was thinking of getting out of TAC but this catty is making me think twice.  There are new products (Nestabilities and Copics) and new stamps that are just adorable!!  I think that you may like it.  I will try to add a copy of it here - but if for some reason I can not you can go to my Scrib'd site and see the PDF I made of it.  Go HERE.

Serendipity 2009 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Just an update

Since some of you were so kind to let me know that you were sending cards in for Evan.  If you missed it, I posted the info in this original post HERE.

So here is the update...
This was a post that my friend Norma who originally let me know about little Evan:

I was so happy to get this letter and I know all of you will be too...........Thanks
Paula is Evan's mom and daughter to Cyndi, my friend from NY.........

Paula got an email from the teacher yesterday and she is just flabbergasted at how many cards Evan is getting. She is amazed at how well it is making the class accept Evan. She said each morning when the mail comes the kids all want to know how many cards Evan has gotten. She said that they may win two prizes. One for Evan having the most cards from the most places and one for the class as a whole having the most cards. So the teacher is so excited. She told Paula she never expected this and she is just so choked up every day when the mail comes. And she said that Evan just sits there proud as a peacock and says my Grandma Froggy has lots of friends and they all like me! So believe me it is making a difference and is working. I am so grateful to everyone that is helping out. Some people are even sending two or three cards and using friends and relatives names. The whole school is talking about it. Paula said she goes in on Monday for a parent/teacher conference so she is going see the cards and then she can get an idea of how many so far and where they are coming from. She was in tears yesterday when she called me because she couldn't believe so many people would help her little boy out like this.Thanks, thanks, thanks and thanks again!!!!
Thank you all.  And there is time, you can still send a card out if you want to.  Just go to my original post HERE and the address is posted there.  Thank you all!

Monday, February 01, 2010


Hi everyone!  I just finished some cards that I made ~ yes, for Valentines ~ and I thought I'd play along with the Mojo Monday sketch today.  Hope you like it!
The picture looks a little fuzzy, don't it?  See the the flower in the middle?  That is so easy to do, but it takes a little time.  I found it over at Gabby's blog - but now I can't find the link that she had it posted from...  and I'm not sure you can tell, but I used some shimmer paint on the hearts on the cuppy cake.   

I kind of knocked out two birds with one stone you might say.  Over at my YUKU side, Cards Made by Hand (surprising huh??) I had a pink, black and white challenge. 

I just wanted to stop in really quick and post this.  I hope that you like it - and go to Mojo Monday and participate, the sketches sure do give you some inspiration!

How the heck....

I had set up a post on blogger to post a card last week after my last post ~ and it didn't post.  That was the 2nd time that it did it to me.  I am sorry.

So here I go with it....
The image is from Whipper Snapper.  I'm sure that if you've been a follower of my blog for a while you've seen me use this image before.  I love it ~ and I do use it every year, it does not get old for me.  I actually purchased this YEARS ago as a set with another stamp that I will show you tomorrow.  But this little cupig is just adorable!!  And yes, he is still available.

The stamp of course is from Whipper Snapper and I stamped him and colored him in with my pencils and gamsol.  I used some stickles on his wings for a shimmery effect.  The base card is Pixie Pink that I layered with Rose Red and Pink Pirouette.  I ran the Pink Pirouette paper thru my cuttlebug with the Love Language embossing folder. The DP is from Cloud 9.  I used some pink polka dot ribbon and layered the lips on top of it with a pop dot.  The lips are also from Whipper Snapper that I punched out with my 3/4" circle punch and layered it on to a scrap of Rose Red that was punched with my 1" circle punch.   The hearts were cut out with the die that came with the Love Language folder and I used my glue pen to adhere them.

I hope that this inspires you today.  I'm off to make something else that I will show you tomorrow!!