Yippie, it's the end of the week! And with a long weekend here I'm so glad. My daughter looks like she will be going camping with friends of her's this weekend. I'm happy for her, it's been a long time since she's gone camping ~ and she's the out-doorsy type. Last night she went fishing. Yes, fishing! For her birthday she got some money and went and bought herself a fishing pole. No, not just any fishing pole - a PINK fishing pole! She's a tom-boy at heart, but there is still a girl in there!! And I'm excited because the weather is starting to become nice. Today is a little gloomy, there was a little rain earlier. You know, the type that is just enought to get your hair wet but does nothing else. But this weekend it's supposed to be in the low to mid eighties with sun sun sun!!!
Last night I was poking around in the yard looking at all the flowers we've planted. They are growing so nice. I even have a rose bud on one of the bushes!! Years ago I bought a rose plant for my Dad. It was one of those in the bag that you get for a couple of dollars. Well my Father being the green thumb that he was took care of that plant and it had the most beautiful HUGE fragrant roses that you could ever imagine! It was called Mr. Lincoln. It was simply gorgeous! When I sold the house in California I made the new owner promise to take care of that plant and not dig it up, and she's taken care of it. The flowers were so fragrant that I took one to a friend once at work and she had to move it away from her desk it was making her sick! So when we were shopping around for flowers I found one. I so hope that it is the same plant....
Enough of my babble..... again.....
I want to show you a card that I made yesterday and a couple of cards that I received too! Gotta give kudos to those who deserve it!
This card was made by one of the members on my MSN group for a cowboy/cowgirl swap that we had.
Barb is a talented cardmaker, and I thought that this card was really cool! It's in my basket of favorites. The inside says "save a horse ride a cowboy". Very very nice Barb! And if you have a chance take a peek at her blog ~ I'm sure you will find some inspiration there!!

I know that Mother's day has passed, but this card is so nice that I just had to share!! I love pink, black, scallops & ribbons so this card is one of my fav's for sure!! I just love it! Thanks Nic!!!
Yesterday I worked on some cards that I had to make for Gabby's cocktail swap that I'm in over at SCS. They are not due til June ~ but you never know when something comes up and you should not wait til the last minute. Of course this is me saying this ~ the one who wait's til the last minute. I work well under pressure..... :)
I have this adorable paper that I bought years ago, it's Frances Meyer. I'm not even sure if it's available anymore. And of course the stamp is from House Mouse. I just love those little guys!
Well, I'm off for now! Gotta go get something done and get off this computer!!
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend if I don't get back to you all!!
HOW CUTE!!! Oh Joani...those are just too cute for words! Now do you see why I invited you to join the swap! ;) I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work! :D
oh so cute I was going to say the horse was my favotite but the mouse one hmmmm no the little dog on the next post I just noticed that
These are wonderful, and my favorite IS the cowboy one!
beautiful cards love the horse one
I'm so glad you liked my card. That house mouse card is so cute. I just love house mouse. Awesome.
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