Get a drink, sit down and relax. I'm not sure how long this will take....
First I want to show you all an award that I received from Rebecca over at Scrapper's Delight. It's the One Lovely Blog Award.

Here is the rules for this award which is given to new blogs and blogging friends.
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. So here are the ones that I will pass this award on to.
- Maria @
- Lindsay @
- Amber @
- Melissa @
- Sandi @
- Fran @
- Vicki @
- Jaelynn @
- Rose @
- Rosa @
- Jackie @
- Kim @
- Shelly @
- Jennie @
- Lesly @
Now these are some great blogs that I've got bookmarked on my computer. Sometimes I have time to actually look at a blog, then sometimes I scan it, bookmark it and go back later. And I know that some of these I've not even commented on. Yes, that's bad of me. But I will, I just don't always have time.
Now on to another one of my new passions. The past few days I've been bitten by the digital scrap booking bug. I just love it! First of all I love my computer. I can not remember what I did without one. But I try to be on the computer in the mornings and then in the craft room in the afternoon. My computer is upstairs away from my craft room so I run back and forth a lot. Great for the calf muscles *Ü*I did this really quick this morning. Faster than you could pull out a tape gun!! I don't have any special programs, I just use Microsoft Digital Image Standard 2006 Edition that came with my computer. All you do is open up all the paper and elements and you just click and drag. OMGoodness it is so super easy! Can you tell that I am totally excited about it?! And let me tell you there are so many places on the net that you can go to to get freebie papers and embellishments. My favorite place I've found so far is Summertime Designs. Summer is awesome! You can't imagine the papers and things that she has. Please take time to check her out!
And last but not least, another site that I've found that I just love is Living Locurto. Amy's site is a bit of everything. She loves to take pictures, and there is recipes and freebies. It's a place that you can go to and click all day long and still see new stuff... I love how she posts her menus for the week. If you click here it will take you to a post for a Mother's day box and you can print off the instructions, template and some cool paper to make it with!
I hope that I did not overwhelm you too much today. I've almost finished with my scrapbook that I'm working on. Then I should be back on track with more cards.Have a great day!