I've wanted to get a clip it up for a while now, but the cost is just too much for me. So I thought and thought and then passed the idea over to hubby. Well, with him being off work this week we took a trip to Lowe's. I actually think that he hates it when he takes me there. I start to see things in a different light and I think of different ideas. So off we went and we picked up this and that and brought it home. This is what came to life.

Now this is what I am affectionately calling the "Hillbilly Pin it up" because it is a make shift version of the original. But this is the before picture. I've got little clips on it ready to go. And I was a little excited that it spins. I was not sure that it would spin - but it does!!!

This is the after version with my clear stamps on it. I actually started out wanting this for my ATC's and cards that I've received that I am running out of room to place. That way I could get them out of the little shopping cart and box that they are stored in and put them someplace nice to be seen. But then I was thinking (yes again!!! scary huh?) that hanging my clear stamps would be nice. I'd get them out of the drawer and maybe use them once in a while.
Now, I just need a place to put it....
Then I was thinking (yes, again) and thought well ~ lot's of other blogs have ladies who's hubby's make things for them to sell. Things that make our lives as crafters a whole lot nicer. So I asked hubby-like this:
"Hon, you know this is really a nice thing that you've done for me." "Yes, I know ~ what do you want?" he says. "Oh nothing. I just thought" this is where I could see the bead of sweat forming on his forehead "I just thought that if I post this on my blog and people liked it, well, um, maybe you could make them to sell". He sat there for a minute - thinking why in the heck did I agree to make this in the first place..... And he said "Yeah, that would be alright". I was excited!! I thought Yippie!
If anyone is interested in purchasing one of these just contact me at joanmcdonald@roadrunner.com to order one. I will place it in the sidebar so it will be easy access for all to see. We are asking $30.00 each plus shipping. I don't think that it is a bad price considering that the real deal is almost $95.00 for the upper and lower tiers.
Tomorrow morning I will be back with some goodies that I've cooked up.
Have a great evening!
Actually, that is a great thing you two did! I don't like hanging things like that or I'll be ordering one. I like my stuff hidden from others.
Oh your cooking up goodies! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see:)
This hillbilly pin it up is great, I haven't seen the original but it is a super idea. I'm trying to do the craft area and when I get further in to it I will definitely be ordering one girl. Super idea, your hubby is great:) Hugs.
When your brain gets into gear you are clearly dangerous missus.lol. This is an awesome idea. Gonna have to look around my craft room see if I can make some room here somewhere. Love It.
WAY too cool! Hill billy pin it up! heehee. $30.00 is a great deal. I think it's fabulous idea for you to sell 'em. If I wasn't so broke, I'd buy one! LOL :0) You could sell these on etsy!
Wow you are so cleaver. Wish I wasnt so far away... although at the moment I wouldnt have a clue where to put it!!
Very nice Joani. You're very clever.
That's so cool!!!
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