Good morning everyone. I'm sorry that it's taken a few days to post. That whole life thing just
get's in the way...
You wanna see what I've been doing? Sure you do. A friend back in California posted on her page that another friend who I worked with just had a baby. Shocked I was, but I thought I get to make something baby. That's something that I rarely get to do so I was off to make something.
I had some tins that I wanted to do something with other than collect dust so I made one for her.

I took one of the tins with the
accordion fold
pieces in it and carefully covered it and made this. I was so careful with it when I covered it not to break the folds open. Well of course when I was showing my Mom what I made I pulled too hard and the
pieces came apart. Well, then I had to go into thinking mode and figure out what I was going to do next.

Not a problem. I added an eyelet to the top right corners and used a chain to keep them all together. I actually like them better this way. And as you can see I altered the tin too. There is a space on the inside that she can add info to. Next came the baby card.

This card I had seen on Lauren
Meaders blog a long time ago and loved it! Every time, which is not many, that I get to make a baby card I make this one. It is so simple too! I actually sat down to make it and thought that I'd need the directions but I didn't. If you have a 1 3/8" circle punch, a scallop punch and a ruler that's all you need!! I'm sorry for the picture being weird, I could not fix it...
And this is not all I have been up to. I actually made a 2 page layout on National SB Day. I just have not got around to posting it til now.

I have a box filled with pictures. Yes, they are all in order... Sorry,
OCD. And I reached in there Saturday and pulled out the next pictures to be scrapped and this was them. Danielle when she was a little one. This was her 2
nd Halloween and she was so in love with Barney it's not funny. I could not let her be Barney though, he's a boy. So she was Baby Bop. And a mighty cute one I might add.

We went to Mom and Dad's house that Halloween. Well, we were always over at Mom and Dad's. They loved her to bits, and I wanted her to spend as much time with Dad as she could. His birthday was May 12
th and
her's is the 16
th. But when Dad passed away he was 2 weeks shy of his 73rd birthday, and Danielle was almost 4. She remembers bits and
pieces, not too much because she was young ~ but she holds Dad in the highest
regard. That makes me so proud.

If you notice in the pictures Ricky was there too. He stayed with Mom and Dad. He worked for Dad for years then when he came down sick he moved in to help take care of him because it was a lot for Mom. But Ricky has always been a part of Danielle's life. As a matter of fact he was her "Uncle
Bick". She couldn't say Rick. And look at Mom's hair. Hardly any grey. Hey, I wonder if I did that? Hey wait! I've got grey, so who did THAT????
Well, I'm sorry that's all for today. I will be back tomorrow. I've got something almost done on my desk and I will show you tomorrow!
Until then, have a great day!
Love what you did with the tin. I have got that baby card of Lauren's bookmarked too. I just don't have any babies to make one for yet.
Love the scrap pages too. I wish there were more hours in the day that I could fit scrapbooking in too.
Joani - You are bad, bad!
I notice that Rick has no gray hair in these pics and now he does - Who did that????
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