I told you that I was going to be giving away some blog candy. I've hit the 35,000 mark (I'm still in shock over that) and I wanted to thank you all for the kind comments and remarks that you've left for me over this past year.
Wow, I have decided to give away some blog candy for all of my visitors!! The best reason for having it is that I just would love to give away something to all of you visiting my blog!! This is a big thank you to you all!! To enter the lottery you have to do some small things first of course:
1. Post a comment on your blog telling everyone about my blog candy and put a link to this post!
2. Write a comment in this post before midnight EST, 15th January, telling me that you have done this!!!
I will keep this open until January 15th and draw (by random.org) on Friday January 16th.
Oh, and do you want to see what it is I'm giving away? Of course you do... And it won't be all ~ I will be adding to it as time goes by.

Hi Joani,
Happy New Year! Thanks for doing this. I love candy.
WOW, 35K is lotsa hits, kiddo! WTG!! I will link you to my sidebar, but I don't have a blog list ( to my knowledge).
happy new year from puerto rico
I found your site on splitcoast and go on everyday! Thanks for all the good ideas.
Have added you to my blog list and also your blog candy to my side bar on my blog ! ! Gosh I hope that makes sense.
Found your giveaway via PCP.
Congrats on all your hits... must feel nice to know so many people visit your site
You know I love "candy" and blog candy is even more fun. I linked to your site from my blog
http://ladybugscraps.blogspot.com/(yes I posted LOL).....
OMG, 35,000 too cool, so happy for you. I posted on my blog but changed my url: http://wwwabarbcardblog.blogspot.com/
wow 35,000 hits thats amazing, but I can see why your work is always wonderful. I have posted a link at my blog maybe I will get lucky!! thanks for the chance. Blessings Renee
What an awesome candy missus. Couldn't resist the chance to win a TAC set.lol.
I have linked you in a post on my blog.
Congrats on your hits! Woot! I've posted: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/01/win-more.html
bunnybx at gmail . com
Yum!YUM!Blog candy looks great, and thanks for offering it. I'd love to win. I found your site quite by accident but I'm very glad I did!
Oh, I forgot, here's my blog where I show about your candy: http://triesmakingcards.blogspot.com/
Hia Hunni, wow big 35,000 that's amazing and congratulations!! i've linked your candy to my alerts on the left of my page and now off to write about you! lovely blog tis very inspriational! CC xx
Happy to have found your blog: Great work! Congratulations on the hits.
I have posted your link on my blog :)
Congratulations on such an amazing number of hits! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
I Love candy!! Thanks!!
Vivi Casale
You've got a "link with me" in Texas! Thanks for sharing and a chance for blog candy!
Amazing hits!!! Gorgeous candy :) I have you linked up at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/01/candy-time.html
Thanks for the chance!
Hello! Such a beautiful things... I've made a post about it in my blog: http://scrapmooooon.blogspot.com/2009/01/joani-15.html. Thanks for a chance to win!
Congrats on 35.000 hits!
Posted in my blog http://fancyscrap.livejournal.com/15143.html
Hello! I have posted on my blog about it: http://cat-in-box.blogspot.com/2009/01/joani-15.html
Thanks for the chance.
Lovely blog candy! I've added link on my sidebar (hope it's ok).
Thank you for a chance to win!!!
Hi! Thanks for chance to win candy! My link is here!
Hi! Thank you for the opportunity to win such yummy candy!! That is a lot of hits on your blog! WOW! I have added a link to my blog.
What a beautiful candy! Thank you for the chance to win. I don't have my own blog, but I've put you on my list of favourites. I hope that isn't a problem.
hiya, have linked your candy - congrats on all those hits
Congrats on 35,000...and counting! Thanks for the chance at the candy--I've got a link for it right at the top of my blog. :-)
Joani, congratulations of reaching 35,000 - I've got a seriously long way to go before I reach that amount!!!! Thanks for the generous offer of blog candy. Best wishes. Kym
Wow! 35,000 hits! Congrats! I only dream of that!
Thanks for offering up such wonderful blog candy it’s so generous of you!
I have linked your candy on my sidebar and now I just have to hope to win!
Greetings Regina from Germany
Great candy! Mmmm...thanks!
Congratulations on your blog hits. I don't have a blog but I do check in several times a week. SharriC
Congrats on the success of your blog! Keep up the great worke :)
I can't even imagine 35k hits...congratulations! I've put a link on my blog in the CandyBar on the right.
There are some beautiful papers in this candy. I have placed a link on my sidebar for your candy. Thanks for the chance to win. Krista P.
Lovely! I posted here:
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
I am new to your blog and I am proud to give your candy a link to my blog. I enjoyed the visit and thanks for the chance at some great candy. I am just beginning to make cards again after a lengthy illness and I love your designs. Linda Crowder Ferris, TX USA
What a great giveaway....thanks so much. I just put a link to your giveaway on my blog and saved you to my favorites. YEAH! I just found your blog and love it.
Joani, congratulations on hitting 35,000! WOW, that is certainly impressive. I am going to link you to my blog. Thanks for the chance to win candy,love the stuff!
Hi! we are missionery from Russia. I hope I can usd your candy in my ministry! Nika
thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats...what an accomplishment! I'll email your blog to my mom's groups since MY blog isn't up yet. jerryb17011@yahoo.com
Thought I heard someone say "blog candy". Well, sign me up. I've told all the women in my life to come check this out. Would enjoy seeing some organizational tips sometime:)
Hi Joani.
Greetings from Norway.
What a blog candy! I'm in!!!
I've written about it in my blogg!
Your cards are GREAT!
this Candy looks fabulous, I love it :)
I will be so happy if I win.
I write about you on my blog and this note is there;
Greetings from Poland :)
Hi from Italy! Great candy, thanks for a chance to win! I put your link in my post, you can see it here: http://justme-alice.blogspot.com/2009/01/simon-says-stamp-ha-scelto-me.html
Hi :o)
Congratulations on hitting 35,000!
You know I love "candy" and blog candy is even more fun. I linked to your site from my blog
Great blog! Thanks for offering the blog candy. Don't have a blog .... hope I will still have a chance to win! laura j.
Thanks for the chance! I blogged about you:
Congratulations on the hits, keep up the good work! I think your candy is just amazing! I've linked you at my blog!
Joani, congratulations on hitting 35,000.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Good luck everyone.
Greetings and hugs
Thanks for the chance on your candy. I've written about it on my blog:
Thank you for sharing!
I blogged about this giveaway: Here
Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy, thanks for the chance to win. I link you on my sidebar......
WOW! Its a super candy! I added a link to my blog: http://alyona4.blogspot.com/2009/01/told-ya-i-was-giving-away-candy.html
congrats on 35,000 hits. Way to go. Wishing you many, many more hits. I love the blog candy you giving away. I am practically drooling over my keyboard. Please, enter me in this awesome giveaway. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Congrats on all your hits Joani!
Fabulous blog candy!! Linked you on my sidebar.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Hope my blog will be as popular as yours, I 'spose I should make more of an effort and dedication to making something and posting it, no matter how busy I am!
May your creativity boom as the your blog's fan's visit!
You now have a "Link with Me" in Texas! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Joani- Hello from Denver! I don't have a blog, but if I did I would post this link. Thanks for the chance to win! ~Diana C. juananddiana@msn.com
Yummy candy! Add me in! Will link your candy on my sidebar
Hugs from Pakistan!
Greetings from Italy :)
I have linked your candy on my sidebar!
You have a nice blog. thanks for the chance.
Congrats on 35000 hits!:)
Thanks for a candy!
I added a link to my blog:
Wow, very generous candy!!! I posted about it on my blog! Greetings from Lucia:)))
Hi! Gorgeous candy, love to win! I linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni
Would love the chance to win such fun candy. !Felicidades! Thanks.
Just found your blog, it's great. Love candy, I don't have a blog but, you are on my favs list. Hope that's okay. Thanks for the chance for candy!
I love your cards. I just found your blog but I'll be regular.
Your link is on my blog. Thank You for the chance to win this candy!
Congrats on 35,000 hits ~ I've got a long way to go since I just started blogging. Even 1,000 seems so far away to me. I added your giveaway to my blog on the right side bar under blog candy giveaways (http://jodimommyto4.blogspot.com)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Congrats!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win blog candy.
Congrats. I´ve linked your candy:
thanks for the chance to win
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