Yesterday was a (not) so perfect start to a 4 day weekend for us. Hubby was off Friday and he's off Monday. The weather's not supposed to be nice - it's freezing cold and it's supposed to snow tonight, tomorrow and Monday.
Yesterday we got up a little late, and hubby made some breakfast. While we were cleaning up Mom called to me and asked me to help her sit down. She gets these spells where she gets dizzy and her eye's kinda get funny. So I helped her to the chair. After a few minutes she claimed she was ok, but I could tell something was still wrong. I told her to call her doctor because it was Friday and if something happened Saturday I'm sure that she would have a harder time getting a hold of her. She told her to go to ER. So we did.
I was a little nervous because Mom is all I have left. My Father passed away many years ago, and it's just us. I have cousins, they are kind of all scattered around the states ~ but it's just Mom and I. They did a lot of tests on her. It was not her heart, or what we might of feared a stroke. So we came home. She kinda took it easy the rest of the day. And yes, she's fine today.
Well I was planning on doing some grocery shopping Friday, but that plan did not work out - so off to Walmart we went this morning. Ok - now I'm about to tell you all something that IS very EMBARRASSING. As we enter the parking lot I see all the cars and start complaining about how crowded they are and how much I did not want to be there. There is two other stores in town but Walmart is by far the cheaper of the three. So here I am complaining - Danielle telling me she loves it there (all her friends like to hang out there) and I find a fairly close parking spot, all by luck ~ well not really.
I get out of the car and I felt something on my head. I look up, no - the tree was empty. But I feel the top of my head and yup, bird poop! Yes, it disgusted me. But all I could do was laugh. It was all kind of ironic. Me, complaining about being there and then that happens. I think - what next? Do I even want to ask? Well tomorrow we are cutting wood again for Ricky's sis so I can't wait to see what's in store for me then!
Of course after that happening Danielle wants to get her hair cut. So we left Walmart and on the way home I take her to get it cut. While she's in there I duck into Big Lots next door to see if they have any new stamping supplies. Oh yeah! I did score with a bunch of rub-on's for only $2.00. But poor Danielle. When she came in to meet us I wanted to cry! She had the most beautiful long hair and they cut it so short. She did not want it as short as they cut it. I never trust hairdressers. They always seem to cut my hair shorter than I want it too. I just looked at her, and I think she knew I was sad. I told her that when she turns 18 she can shave it off and dye her scalp blue if she wants - but til then she cant mess with it Ü We got home and she cried. She said they kept cutting it - she told them not too short. I do have to say that I feel so bad for her, but thank goodness that her hair really grows fast. Then again maybe it's karma for her laughing at my bird poop head, and then calling all her friends to tell them about it???
Ok - enough of that. I'm sorry for the long post, but I thought that I'd share a little bit of my life there.
Now, how about something creative?

One of my favorite sets for Valentines is SU! Happy Heart Day. I just love that little elephant! You really can do a lot with him. This card, I must say is a little busy. When I made it I thought that it was kinda cute ~ but now that I look at it, I'm not sure.
The base card is Real Red. I layered it with a piece of Pretty in Pink that I ran thru the CB with the swirls folder, Chocolate Chip and some Paper Salon DP's. I sponged some Real Red ink around the Pretty in Pink layer. The image I stamped on white cs and colored in with my markers - but I stamped it again on the DP and paper pieced it on to the white cs with some pop dots. I took the sentiment and stamped it with Real Red ink and added a couple of black eyelets next to it and added it to the card. The flowers have some stickles on them, it's just hard to tell in the picture.
Do ya like it? Be honest.
I suppose I better get going - and make dinner. I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
Okay I just posted a long comment and blogger didn't save it!
Sorry about your yucky days! I think I would go back to that hair stylist and request my money back as they did not do what your daughter asked!! Then if it's a place like Great Clips I'd email their corporate office. They should know about stylists that do not do what is asked. I'm sure you can find them online.
Cute cute card. It is a little busy, but really not bad at all!
Life really likes to keep you on your toes doesn't it. Hugs to your mom. So glad it wasn't anything serious. As for the bird poop I have so been there. Darn birds seem to know when it's gonna annoy you the Haircut too. They think they know what would suit you better I think and boy are they wrong most of the time, they really should ask before they take your hair in their hands.
Cute card. Love the DP and the sketch. Not sure about Eli's spots maybe you should take him to the doctors? LOL.
Hugs to you all missus
O my! I had a bird poop on my head before too, so don't feel like you are the only one-I laughed so hard-I'm sorry!! I am so sad for your daughter-it so often ends up like that!! You get so excited-but then it turns out terrible! : (
I LOVE this card-as soon as I saw it-I thought -I've got to make one like that, and so theres your honest opinion!! (and I have that set-how cool is that!)
OMG you DID have the day from...well, you know where! I am glad to hear that Rose is home and doing well now...I will keep her in my prayer that all stays well!! Poor Danielle! I KNOW she had some gorgeous long hair...I bet she has some gorgeous short hair now. I am sure she is just as pretty with her hair short...may it shows off her face better? ( I am trying to make a postive!)
I love your card, Joanie! That little elephant looks adorable in PP! Busy..OK...but SO CUTE!! I wouldn't change a thing! I hope today has been better for you!
Sorry about the bad day! I think you let it all come out in the card, but I LOVE it!! It's over the top--exactly what Valentines get to be. Hope the rest of the weekend is better!
Hope the rest of the weekend gets better!
Love the card colors and layout...I can't decide what I think of the elephant with all those spots, one second I like and the next I am not so sure, It is definitly fun though
So glad Rose is OK. Keeping her in my prayers. Tell her I said HI
Bet tinkerbell looks great in short hair. Do we get to see ? Need a picture!!!!
Angel Hugs...Bobbie
Peuuuu on the bird poop tee hee
I liked the card as soon as I saw it, adorable. I've heard when a bird poops on your head it's supposed to bring good Glad your Mom is doing fine. Sorry about Danielle's hair but she still has her pretty face & maybe will like it more when she's used to it.
Long time no comment, huh? I've been out of the loop somewhat but I'm getting back in the swing of things!
First things first, your card is adorable. I love the paper pieced elephant. It really gives him a mod look!
I am so sorry about your "bird" incident. Believe it or not that has happened to me to but at least it was on my shirt. If it had actually touched my skin or hair I think I would have lost my lunch!
When it rains it does pour and it will get better:) Glad your mom is doing better, too!
I hope your mom is doing better now. How scary! Thank goodness everything checked out!
The bird poop thing...oh my! It's not really funny but you tell it well! LOL I hate WM, too...but it is the cheapest place in town, too, so sometimes you just gotta...
I am sorry your daughter had a bad experience with her hair getting cut so short. Like you will grow fast...
And lastly I gotta say that HAPPY HEART DAY is my favorite Valentine set, too. I just bought it from a friend used so it was only $10. I am excited and haven't even used it yet but I will. I love that elephant so much!!! LOL
I am your new your blog. I found it from SCS gallery looking for card organizers and I saw you used Mulberry Meadow on a project and I was like that's our paper, and then saw a few more TAC things and then I see IT'S YOU!! Oh I am so silly!!! I am excited to see your blog and I love it....
First, thanks so much for the very sweet comments you left on my blog. I am truly honored. Secondly I hope your Mom is doing OK now. I assume that is a picture over there to the right of you and her, and she is the cutest thing ever. I can tell that you love her alot, and I truly hope she is OK. I'll keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers! Best, Curt
so sorry to hear about your bad days!! And really sorry for your daughter, I too dont like going to get my hair down, I have very curly
hair and if they cut to short it is really short when it dries. Glad your mom is doing better!! I will he mail you soon. Blessings. Renee
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