I'm sorry that I've not been posting regularly ~ but my DD decided to bring home a nasty bug and she gave it to me!
I should be back in a few days - full steam - making something or another :)

I took the inkers that I have with a clean sponge and put it in a drawer. When I want to sponge something, say Pink Passion then I know that I am not using a Pixie Pink sponge. I've got almost all the inkers ~ I really did not have reason to buy them all at once. Now I do, I've got to fill all the drawers :)
For the labels I went on to SCS and printed off a chart. You can find it here. I just cut the chart apart for the drawer labels. But it is nice to have because you can keep track of your SU! inventory.
Well - I hope that you have a very nice, crafty day!
Hope you get to feeling better soon! Very cool birthday gift. I love to get organized and this tool box is great!
By the way, I tagged you over at my blog!! Be sure to check it out.
Sarah G.
Hello Joani, hope you all feel better soon....Gina
I was wodnering where you been lady! Get well soon Joani! BIG HUGS!!!
BTW...lovin' your reinker & sponge storage!
Hope that nasty bug hits the road and you can feel much much better right soon! That tool box is the best! The way you have it labeled is pure genius! Happy Happy Happy birthday!!! Hope it's the best one yet. Hugs, :O) Mel
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